

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


For those of you who still read my blog...thank you! I promise to update more often! I'm still trying to balance work, school, life, AND technology. I'll get the hang of it soon...I hope. Okay, I have a few things I wanted to report about my day at school (work) and school (school)...

{one} A child began to urinate on the playground in a flower bush today. Lovely. He's only 4! Boys will be boys, I guess. Anyway, it made for a good laugh for us teachers. Hopefully you can get a laugh out of it too.

{two} As I was leaving the school for the day my coworker and I witnessed a woman have her car robbed while she was picking up her child! Who does that?? Apparently some hoodlum boys from WHS. It was sad to see her try and yell some sense into these boys while they ran away (and she called the police).

{three} In my psych class tonight our teacher discussed the difference between people in their early, middle, and late adult years. She said as you enter your middle adult years and, hopefully, achieve "generativity" over "stagnation" (Erikson) you begin to do the things you love that will add to society; a job or service you could provide with no extrinsic benefit to yourself. She said, if you're lucky, you may find that now, with the added benefit of a salary. Her exact words that followed were, "I bet none of you can think of something you like to do so much that you would do it without pay." I didn't speak up, but I thought "Umm, I definitely can". I mean, heck, I work for next to nothing now! BUT I love those kids and they make it worth it!! I don't mind pinching pennies to see those adorable faces and sweet spirits everyday! Hopefully you won't mind getting a lame Christmas gift this year! hah. Anyway, all that to say, I love what I do. As if I don't say it enough.

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