

Saturday, April 2, 2011


{sigh} It’s been a long, crazy, busy, fun, educational, and exciting week.

To make a really long story short(er), I will just hit the high points. As you probably know, I am a K4 assistant at a school from 7:30-3:30 everyday. What you may not know is that I am also in graduate school for elementary education and have class Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights from 5:30-8. I am training for a half-marathon so I try to run in between work and school OR run any errands that need to be done. I began going to a small group with my church on Thursday nights, so that means my weekends are filled with catching up on things from the week. I’m busy…and I love it.

This week has seemed really busy because I’ve had so much on my mind. I met with the woman responsible for student teaching placements this week and was led to believe I may be placed at Phillips Academy. Of course, ideally, I would love Cornerstone to offer me a job and I would fulfill my student teaching requirement while actually being a teacher in my own classroom. If that doesn’t happen (and it probably won’t), I would love to be placed in a Birmingham city school with a successful teacher. It is going to be a difficult semester financially, so I am preparing to make the best of it. I do not get paid for my student teaching, still have to pay tuition, and am discouraged from having a side job (which I plan to do anyway). Then on Wednesday it really hit me…not only am I leaving Cornerstone, but I’m leaving these kids that (as strange as it sounds) have become a part of my life. I LOVE going to work every morning and seeing those children. Truly. Sometimes they make me want to pull my hair out or scream at the top of my lungs…but I still love them so much. I better get used to the fact that I have to say goodbye to children after a year. I suppose it’s just a part of teaching.

Anyway, I say all this to ask for prayers. My life is a big “?” after May. Right now, nothing is certain. I am trusting God will reveal it to me in His perfect timing and am using this as an opportunity to grow in faith. Please pray that I am being diligent in seeking out opportunities rather than idly waiting, but that I am not trying to control things and do them by my own power or means. Thank you all. Much love.

p.s. Coming soon: pictures of my latest crafting endeavors that are for sale. That’s right, you can own a Stephanie Pruitt original...and help out a broke college student.

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